Speech team on stage with trophies

Speech Team garnering success

Bethany’s Speech Team competed in the Icebox Classic speech and debate tournament at St. Cloud State University on Feb 2 and 3. Eighteen top teams from the Midwest competed at the Icebox Classic. The Bethany team had considerable success. 

Team members competing were Baylee Amy, Alex Berg, Leah Hensch, Shawn Loging, Rachel Skaaland, and William Soule. Indeed the weather lived up the tournament’s namesake, but the action at St. Cloud State University was hot and proved to be a very successful weekend for the Bethany team. 

Skaaland and Soule earned a first place finish in the debate portion of the tournament. The duo was undefeated thoughout the weekend. Skaaland was named the top debater for the tournament with Soule earning sixth best debater honors. 

Amy and Hensch competed in the novelty event, Interpretation of Children’s Literature. Hensch earned a second place finish and Amy took third. 

Soule and Skaaland also placed well in Extemporaneous Speaking with Soule earning second place and Skaaland taking sixth. 

The combined efforts of the six team members earned Bethany an overall third place finish for the tournament.