Metamorphoses (2015)

The Bethany theatre department presents their spring production Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman, directed by Benji Inniger.

Based on Ovid’s transformation myths, Metamorphoses mixes the ancient stories with contemporary language, humor, and thought. This is all enacted in and around a large pool of water, the elemental giver of life and vehicle for change. The themes of love, the inevitability of change, and the human ability to adapt are timeless, as is demonstrated by the sometimes eerie closeness of a vignette to the original lines from Ovid, which still manage to resonate in modern times.


Set Construction Time Lapse


Scientist, Aphrodite, Oread, Narrator, Aphrodite, Psyche: Emily Dworak
Laundress, Henchman, Lucina, Eurydice, Therapist, Narrator: Kasey Gratz
Bacchus, Sleep, Erysichthon, Vertumnus, Philemon: Hank Heyer
Midas’s Daughter, Iris, Persephone, Hunger, Myrrha: Leah Hagen
Second Laundress, Ceres, Pomona, Baucis: Lydia Lonnquist
Midas, Henchman, Buyer, Hades, Cinyras, A: David Ott
Woman, Alcyone, Mother/Girl, Maid, Q, Narrator: Beret Ouren
Ceyx, Morpheus, Orpheus, Eros, Narrator: David Roemhildt
Servant, Sailor, Poseidon, Hermes, Narrator, Apollo, Hermes: Mike Schultz
Zeus, Silenus, Sailor , Narrator, Phaeton, Zeus: Amir Trotter


Director: Benji Inniger
Scene Design: Benji Inniger
Costume Design: Emily Kimball
Lighting Design: Jake Yenish
Sound Design/Composer: Benji Inniger
Technical Director: John Merseth
Paint Charge: Peter Bloedel
Props Artisan: August Jeske
Dramaturgy: Nick Lilienthal, Patti Lilienthal
Stage Manager: Liz Eder
Assistant Stage Manager: Patti Lilienthal
Stagehands: Nick Kost, Zeffie Woods, Kjerstin Wold
Fight Choreographer: David Ott
Master Electrician: Hank Heyer
Sound Board Operator: Anna Tecken
Light Board Operator: Molly Brueske
Set Crew: Isaiah Bergemann, Nick Kost, David Ott, Adam Tecken, Michael Schultz, Katie Kobs, Daniel Roemhildt, Sarah Roemhildt, Isabella Stevens, Joe Roemhildt, David Roemhildt, Leah Hagen, Amos Buelow, Molly Brueske, Tyler Behny, Ivy Heintz, Julia Owen, Erin Strom, Rachel Olsen
Costume Crew: Kasey Gratz, Sarah Knutson, Laura Sonnek, Laura Kimball
Lighting Crew: Hank Heyer, Molly Brueske, Kaitlyn Bryant, Kasey Gratz, Josh Kloster, Nick Lilienthal, Ben Weber, Tyler Voigt
Poster Design: Ryan Walter
Fine Arts Coordinator: Susan Harstad
Box Office Manager: Paul Wold