computer keyboard, notebook, Bible, pen, phone, cup of coffee on wood topped table

Online Outreach Conference Opens

The fourth Gospel Outreach With Media (GOWM) online conference, hosted by the Christ in Media Institute, under the direction of Professor Emeritus Dr. Thomas Kuster at Bethany Lutheran College, is now open for three weeks of active discussion. Participation is entirely online, and free. Conference attendees can browse the sesion list online. Attending and participating is easy, simply click on the conference title, and you will be taken to the presentation. Sessions may involve text, images, audio, video, or combinations of these.

At the bottom of each presentation page, you will find a place for posting comments, questions, and suggestions. Presenters will be monitoring the discussion, and may answer your question or respond to your comment. The conference is open to anyone, but we especially hope that students (high school, college, and seminary) will participate actively in the discussion. You’re welcome to visit the online conference anytime between October 22 and November 12. 


The Message

The Gospel for Today – and Always by Mark Harstad (1948-2015) 

Gospel Media Outreach Around the World

Germany (German & English) – Postkarten als Medium, Über den Glauben zu Reden by Benjamin Stöhr (Leipzig, Germany) 

Ecuador – Cellphone Use and Ministry in Quito by Nathan Schulte (Quito, Ecuador) 

Chile [Spanish & English] – El evangelismo en Chile y alrededor del mundo by Jon Gross (Linares, Chile) 

Pakistan – Online Distance Education in South Asia by names withheld (Milwaukee area, Wisconsin USA) 

Korea (Korean & English) – 폰 앱을 이용한 새벽기도회 Morning Devotions Using Phone App by SungGyu Choi (Seoul, Korea) 

Brazil – Join the Children Singing Praises ‘Round the World by Tom Kuster (New Ulm, Minnesota USA) 

Ethiopia – The Outlook for Digital Media Outreach in the Horn of Africa by Aser Seifu (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) 

Expanding Approaches to Gospel Outreach with Media

Making “To the Ends of the Earth” – A WELS Outreach Movie by Michael Hintz (Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA) 

Peace Devotions – Gospel Centered Devotions for Social Media by Philip Wels (Mankato, Minnesota USA) 

The Christian Film Festival – Challenges and Opportunities by Amanda Quist (Mankato, Minnesota USA), and Kurt Paulsen (Mankato, Minnesota USA) 

Finding the Who for Your What – A Short Discussion of Audience and Brand by Jim Aderman (Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA) 

Women’s Bible Study using Facebook by Corissa Nelson (Mankato, Minnesota USA) 

An App For You? Creating an App for Your Ministry by Nate Abrahamson (Cottage Grove, Wisconsin USA) 

How to Run a Promotional Sweepstakes on Social Media by Logan Schroeder (Sheboygan, Wisconsin USA) 

Flying Mission to Haiti – Alas Para Los Ninos by John Kramer (New Orleans, Louisiana USA) 

Photography for Gospel Outreach and Vacation Bible School Outreach and Enrichment by Melissa Vandermause (Mankato, Minnesota USA) 

The CMI Blog – a Shameless Plug for a Stimulating Resource by Judith Kuster (New Ulm, Minnesota USA), and Deborrah Uecker (Waukesha, Wisconsin USA) 

The Lost Coins – A Christian Podcast Pilot by Ted Petersen (Palm Bay, Florida, USA) 

Technology Updates

Spark+Echo Arts by Jonathon Roberts (Beacon, New York USA) 

Praise and Proclaim Ministries by Dave Malnes (Boise, Idaho USA) 

Truth in Love Ministry by Jon Leach (Nampa, Idaho USA) 

Bread for Beggars by Mark Parsons (Fond du Lac, Wisconsin USA) 

Time of Grace Ministry by Bruce Becker (Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA)