The Bethany Vikings Esports Team has earned its first-ever number one ranking. The recognition comes in the League of Legends team power rankings category. League of Legends is the world’s most popular video game and competitive esport. There are roughly 1000 colleges and universities competing in the League of Legends arena.
The rankings are scored by the Collegiate Star League (CSL) which is self-described as “the largest esports platform for competitive leagues across a multitude of games and platforms for collegiate players of all skill levels.”
The ratings are based on input from collegiate esports coaches and individuals with significant knowledge and experience in the esports community.
Bethany’s Director of Esports Lucas Fricke says the rankings systems is, “…very similar to other collegiate coaches’ polls.” in legacy sports such as football and basketball.
Fricke is very excited about the recognition for the Bethany esports program, but also was quick to point out that this poll is similar to a pre-season ranking as the competitive collegiate season for League of Legends is in the spring.
Fricke said, “We are so humbled and excited about the ranking, and it is a big step on the ladder of proving ourselves as a top collegiate esports program in the nation. This ranking helps validate our program with recruits, other esports programs, and fans. We’re honored, but we still have a lot of work to do, and we need to remain focused on the team’s continued development for the spring season.”
You can learn more about Bethany Vikings Esports by visiting their team page.