Alumni information requested

Hello Bethany Alumni.
How are you doing right now? I realize this might be a tough question, but I’m asking because during this time of uncertainty, we’re learning of some amazing things that Bethany alumni are involved with, and ways they are helping their communities amidst the disruption. Additionally, we understand that even though the world has slowed down a bit, you still might have some personal news to share. We’d love to hear from you! Here are a few ways you can share information with Bethany, and fellow alumni.

Bethany Alumni Serving

How are you serving your families, churches, workplaces, and communities during the pandemic? Are you helping students with virtual learning? Donating blood? Volunteering at your church to ensure the Word of God continues to be shared? Are you on the front lines in the healthcare field, or maybe donating or making medical supplies? Are you helping with a food drive for a local pantry? We know many are making an impact right now, and we would enjoying hearing about it, and perhaps sharing your story with the Bethany alumni community!
Send a photo and a short description of how you’re helping:
  • Email
  • Mail: Bethany Lutheran College (Attn. Alumni Office), 700 Luther Drive, Mankato MN 56001

Alumni News

We are getting ready to publish the next Bethany Magazine, and we need to hear your recent news. Marriage, birth, moved to a new place, new job, promotion, or a family/friend in the Bethany Family you were close with has passed away. Photos are encouraged, but not required for publication.
Submit your news here:
  • Online
  • Email
  • Mail: Bethany Lutheran College (Attn. Alumni Office), 700 Luther Drive, Mankato MN 56001

Alumni Profiles

We are putting together a collection of profiles featuring Bethany alumni here. These profiles help prospective Bethany students to learn why attending Bethany is a great decision for their futures.
Thank you for all you do to support Bethany, and please know how proud and honored we are to have you as part of our Bethany Family! If you have any questions, or feel I can be of any help to you in the Alumni Office, do not hesitate to contact me! God Bless!
Manager of Alumni Relations and The Bethany Fund

P.S. Read and learn more about Bethany by visiting these links: