Dr. Carrie F. Pfeifer is a Professor- Education in the Education department.
- Doctorate in Education from Nova Southeastern University-Fischler School of Education
- Master of Science in Education in Curriculum and Instruction-Minnesota State Mankato
- Bachelor of Science in Education-Martin Luther College
Academic Interests and Specialties
Special Education Curriculum and Instruction The Science of ReadingProfessional Background
Carrie is the chair of the Bethany Lutheran College Education Department and a member of the graduate faculty at Martin Luther College. She has presented to a wide variety of public and private school faculties on topics related to literacy instruction, differentiated instruction, special education, autism, and general topics related to curriculum and instruction. Carrie is an active program reviewer for the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) and a certified trainer for literacy curriculum and instruction for the Minnesota Department of Education.Research
Dissertation: An Evaluation of Inclusive Practices Within a Private School Setting (2008) Nova Southeastern UniversityAffiliations
Carrie is a member of Minnesota Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE), Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), and Association for Supervisors and Curriculum Development (ASCD).Awards
2005 Nomination for Teacher of the Year -Minnesota Private School CouncilCarrie Pfeifer has recently taught the following courses:
- Methods in Teaching K-12 Art
- Methods in Teaching 5-12 Communications Arts and Literature
- Methods of Teaching Health Education
- Methods in Teaching 5-12 Mathematics
- Methods in Teaching Middle Level and Secondary Mathematics
- Methods of Tchng Secondary Phys Education
- Methods in Teaching 5-12 Social Studies
- Literacy Foundations
- Foundations of Literacy
- Educational Psychology & Human Relations
- Educational Psychology & Human Relations Clinical
- Teaching Health and Human Performance
- Early Literacy
- Early Literacy Clinical
- Intermediate Literacy
- Methods of Elementary Social Studies
- Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
- Introduction to the Exceptional Learner Clinical
- Teaching Reading and Writingin the Content Areas
- Teaching the Christian Faith
- Teaching the Christian Faith Clinical
- Educational Technology and Media
- Integrating the Fine Arts
- Integrating the Fine Arts in Elementary Education
- Capstone for Professional Educators
- Stdt Teach I Secondary Social Stds
- Student Teaching 1: El Ed
- Student Teaching 1: Physical Ed
- Student Teaching 2: CAL
- Student Teaching I: 5-12 Math
- Student Teaching I: K-12 Art
- Student Teaching I: K-12 PE
- Student Teaching I: K-12 Physical Education
- Student Teaching I: K-6 Elementary
- Student Teaching I: SPED
- Stdt Teach II: 5-12 Math
- Stdt Teach II: K-6 Elementary
- Stdt Teach II: Mid Lvl CommArtLit
- Stdt Teach II: Mid Lvl Math
- Stdt Teach II: Secondary Socl Stud
- Student Teaching 2: Health
- Student Teaching 2: CAL
- Student Teaching II: 5-12 Health
- Student Teaching II: ABS/SPED
- Student Teaching II: CommunicationArts & Literature Education
- Student Teaching II: D Middle LevelSocial Studies
- Educational Studies Internship andSeminar
- Identification and Assessmentfor Special Education Services
- Literacy Assessment & Interventionsfor Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Practicum I
- Consultation, Collaboration & Resources in Special Education
- Principles and Strategies for Effective Inclusion