Student in cap smiling during class

Communication Courses

This is a listing of Communication (COMM) classes available at Bethany. These courses are included in the requirements for the Communication and Health Communication majors, the Communication Disorders minor, and other programs. Not all courses are available every semester. Please contact the registrar with any questions.

There are 38 courses in this subject. View other subjects or view all courses.

CodeCourse Title / Description
COMM102Journalism Practicum, Newspaper 1 credit
Practical experience in writing, editing, layout, or photography with the college newspaper, the Bethany Scroll.
COMM103Journalism Practicum, Yearbook 1 credit
Practical experience in writing, editing, layout, or photography with the college yearbook, the Fidelis.
COMM105Journalism Practicum Broadcast, Journalism 1 credit
Practical experience in writing, editing and producing a weekly television news program, BLC News.
COMM111Fundamentals of Speech 3 credits
Study of the verbal communication process. An introductory course in the principles of public speaking and language awareness. Includes the delivery of several types of speeches as well as opportunities to evaluate speeches and speaking styles.
COMM115Competitive Speaking 1 credit
This is an activity course involving participation in intercollegiate speech tournaments.
COMM201Photojournalism Practicum 1 credit
Practical experience in photography. Work is coordinated with the college newspaper, yearbook, and other college departments.
COMM212Interpersonal Communication 3 credits
The study of human communication in informal settings, focusing on processes, self-concept and self-disclosure, listening, language effects, nonverbal messages, assertiveness, conflict, and relationships with family, with friends, and in the workplace.
COMM215Competetive Debate 3 credits
The study of argumentation in a practical setting. Students will learn the art of forming and defending arguments while competing in intercollegiate debate tournaments. While students will learn the foundation of persuasion, they will also gain an extraordinary amount of real-world knowledge and experience.
COMM230Argument and Advocacy 3 credits
While studying the requirements of cogent argument, students practice advocacy and refutation in value and policy disputes, giving special attention to rational approaches to moral issues. Prerequisite: COMM111 - Fundamentals of Speech or consent of instructor.
COMM240Introduction to Mass Media 3 credits
Thorough study of the nature, functions, and responsibilities of the various print and electronic media, students are encouraged toward intelligent appraisal of the contributions and effects of mass media on individuals and on our culture.
COMM301Advanced Photojournalism Practicum 1 credit
Advanced work in photography. Work is coordinated with the college newspaper, yearbook, and other college departments. For those with four previous credits in COMM201 - Photojournalism Practicum.
COMM302Advanced Journalism Practicum Newspaper 1 credit
Advanced work with the student newspaper, the Bethany Scroll, for those with four previous credits in COMM102 - Journalism Practicum, Newspaper.
COMM303Advanced Journalism Practicum, Yearbook 1 credit
Advanced work with the annual yearbook for those with four previous credits in COMM103 - Journalism Practicum, Yearbook.
COMM305Advanced Journalism Practicum, Broadcasting 1 credit
Advanced work on the weekly television news program, BLC News, for those with four previous credits in COMM105 - Journalism Practicum Broadcast, Journalism.
COMM315Advanced Competitive Speaking 1 credit
Advanced participation in intercollegiate speech tournaments, for those with four previous credits in COMM115 - Competitive Speaking. One credit per semester, repeatable.
COMM318Small Group Communication 3 credits
Students investigate group communication processes and theories. Key concepts include roles, decision-making, conflict management, cohesiveness, and variables affecting the small group dynamic such as power and gender.
COMM320Language Thought and Meaning 3 credits
Students explore how language develops meaning, and how meanings affect thought and behavior, focusing on symbolizing, naming, classifying; statements and truth; emotional responses to words; and ethical aspects of language choices.
COMM325Processes of Criticism 3 credits
Drawing on the work of theorists, students explore means of understanding rhetorical expressions, then produce appropriate pragmatic, artistic, and ethical judgments expressed in lucid speaking and writing.
COMM330Introduction to Health Communication 3 credits
Students examine the multidimensional and interdisciplinary relationships that characterize the field of health communication, exploring it in interpersonal, organizational, and societal contexts.
COMM333Screenwriting 3 credits
Students will examine and practice the techniques of creative writing to be implemented in various projects for film, television, or the internet. Fundamental components of literature will be studied and developed for use in creating these projects. Industry format will also be covered and utilized. Prerequisite: ENGL110 - College Writing I (Students must have earned a "C" or better).
COMM340Rhetorical Traditions 3 credits
Students learn the history and theories of rhetoric central to the Western humanistic tradition, including classical, medieval, Renaissance, and contemporary (modern and post-modern) periods, with some attention to non-western rhetoric.
COMM350Nonverbal Communication 3 credits
Nonverbal communication is an integral part of human interaction. The ability to encode and decode nonverbal cues is an important aspect of communication competence. A primary goal of this course is to increase your knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the role of nonverbal communication. Prerequisite: COMM212 - Interpersonal Communication or consent of instructor.
COMM360Visual Communication 3 credits
Students examine how visual imagery functions rhetorically in various media, primarily film and television, establishing a visual aesthetic with a vocabulary and framework for doing visual analysis.
COMM362Social Media Communication 3 credits
Communication, through the use of social media, has become an integral part of human interaction. The ability to understand the influences of the various forms of social media and how to use them effectively are important aspects of communication competence. Primary goals of this course are to improve students' oral and written communication when interacting with social media, and for students to understand the ethical implications of social media.
COMM365Images on Film 3 credits
Through critical viewing of landmark films and a study of film theory, students expand their understanding of film as a central aspect of communication in our era.
COMM370Organizational Communication 3 credits
Viewing organizations as created and characterized by communication, students explore organizational culture, dynamics, leadership, management styles, and various organizational models affecting communication.
COMM375Public Relations and Advertising 3 credits
Students explore the history and functions of public relations and advertising in the business and non-profit sectors, focusing on roles in organizational settings, audience analysis, public opinion, media relations, and writing and budgeting principles. BUSN431 - Integrated Marketing Communication may be taken as a substitute course.
COMM380Journalism 3 credits
Students step into the work of the news gatherer and reporter, focusing on interviewing and information gathering techniques, news and feature writing, print and video approaches, and the role of personal values and other variables that affect the news.
COMM385Law and Ethics in Media 3 credits
Students survey the history and current status of laws and regulations governing the media, and explore ethical questions, beyond the purview of law, encountered by the communication specialist.
COMM389Intercultural Communication 3 credits
Students develop intercultural communication awareness and competence by exploring concepts of macro- and micro-culture; family, social and gender roles; verbal and non-verbal codes; acculturation and culture shock.
COMM430Health Communication Theory and Research 3 credits
Students examine scholarship in health communication, including the diversity of theories and research, the need for research, appropriate questioning, and applications in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: COMM330 - Introduction to Health Communication.
COMM440Communication Theory 3 credits
Students explore contemporary theories and processes of communication, primarily from a social science perspective, as well as the nature and process of theory building.
COMM460Topics in Visual Communication 3 credits
Students focus on specialized visual topics, such as visual ethics in advertising, visual imagery in politics, video production challenges, or writing for the screen.
COMM470Performing for the Camera 3 credits
Instruction in theory and opportunity for practice in the fundamentals of performing for television and film productions, including playing to the camera, hitting marks, shooting out of sequence, blocking, and other production considerations, particularly those that contrast with acting on stage. Emphasis is placed on truthful acting within the limits of camera medium.
COMM475Media Ecology 3 credits
Students explore how new technology and communication media dynamically affect and change individuals, society, and culture.
COMM480Topics in Communication 3 credits
Students examine a variety of special media topics that emerge from the issues of the day, the expertise of the instructor, and the special interests of students.
COMM489International Study Tour 3 credits
There is no better way to understand communication in a culture different from our own than to engage directly with the people of that culture. Against a background of intercultural communication theory, students travel to a location where they examine communication with a specific culture, after surveying its history, language and people.
COMM499Communication Internship 3 credits
Communication-related field experience with an approved agency fulfilling an individual learning contract negotiated with student, faculty advisor, and worksite. Three credits of internship are required for graduation. Communication majors only, by consent of instructor. 1-5 credits, repeatable up to ten credits maximum. Three credits apply to major requirements; others applied as an elective.

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