Career development office

Career Development

Bethany’s Career Development Center provides students with the resources and guidance necessary to successfully manage their career and employment opportunities. The Career Development Center actively assists students and alumni to find rewarding and fulfilling vocations or to prepare for graduate school. We offer a helpful link for students between coursework and the possibilities that await them in the workplace and the community.

We are located in Luther Hall 206-209. 

Our business hours are from 8am-4pm. You will not find us during chapel from 10am-10:30am or when we are fully booked with meetings therefore we suggest creating an appointment if you have something specific you would like to discuss.

For parking and more in depth directions, go here!

If you’re looking to make an appointment please send an email here

Students/Alumni: please complete this intake form prior to your appointment.

Students/Alumni should complete the intake form each time they go in to meet with our Career Development Center staff for their own career support. Please complete this intake form each time you plan to meet with us and then stop by or make an appointment.

Businesses or organizations do not need to complete the intake form.

We have lots of resources for you below, or you can stop in to LH206-209.

Please note: we have a handful of trifolds with information in the Career Development Center. You can also find online copies of those under “student handouts” below.

If you’re an international student looking to do an internship, please connect with the International Service Offices in Luther Hall 210-213 first.

We also suggest that you take a look at our international student information below prior to creating an appointment with us.

If you’re an alumni you have all of the same privileges as a student with our Career Development Center. Stop by, make an appointment or use the other services offered anytime. See this flyer for more information.

If you’re an employer looking to provide our students with a job opportunity for career development, please scroll down to the bottom of this page to “Do you have a job opportunity for our students”.

Yes. The Internship Registration Form must be completed prior to Midterm of the semester you plan to receive credit for the internship in. 

Play Video

Discover your purpose and connect it to college and career using this online career assessment. PathwayU uses scientific algorithms to help you explore career options based on your interests, personality, values, and workplace preferences. Explore BLC majors, career paths, and internships that align with your unique gifts, talents, and purpose.

Check out a quick student demo video here!


The #1 way college students find jobs and internships. Explore career opportunities and internships, register for career events, schedule appointments and more!


An internship is an excellent way to get experience in your chosen career! Visit our Internships page to get started! Internship forms must be completed prior to Midterm of that semester.

Career Fairs

Career Fair opportunities will be listed below when available, please look for the appropriate sign up links and complete them by the deadline to attend.

  • You are not allowed to work off campus at any time.
  • You are eligible to work on-campus:
    • 20 hours/week during academic year.
    • 40 hours/week during official school breaks.
  • You can do an off-campus internship, as long as it relates
    directly to your major and it has been approved and registered
    as a credit (CPT).

Finding a job at Bethany:

  • You must go to and find the ‘Student Job List’
    1. Check the list of available jobs
    2. Click on the job that interests you to see its job
    3. Contact the supervisor
  • You will need a Work Contract for any job you do at Bethany.
  • Stop by Darci Theiste’s office (Old Main 213) to
    pick up a contract or contact her at
  • You will need a Social Security card. You can start working without a Social Security Card, but you will need it in order to get paid. Go to Luther Hall 210-213 and speak with the International Services Office to set up an appointment for Social Security.

No. You cannot work off-campus UNLESS it is a volunteer position (unpaid) or an internship for credit. If you would like to work for course credit, you need to apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and be approved for an internship. 

Other off-campus work for pay is strictly prohibited and can result in a cancellation of your visa. Examples include babysitting, mowing a lawn, snow removal and coaching a sport. 

If an international student would like to receive course credit for an internship, they need to apply and be approved to do an internship through the Career Development Center in Luther Hall 206-209. Then they must go through the process of getting Curricular Practical Training (CPT) with the help of our International Service Offices in Luther Hall 210-213. 

An international student can only receive pay for an internship if they have been approved for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and an internship. Not all internship sites will have the opportunity to pay their interns. If an international student decides to do an internship that is not for course credit, they cannot receive pay. 

Please go to our Internships page and find “program overview”. There you will find the “academic policy” which will explain what you need in order to be eligible. You will also see the costs associated with taking internship credits over the summer.

CPT is Curricular Practical Training. F1 international students may be eligible, although there is a criteria in order to be approved.

  • Training relates directly to the student’s major area of study.
  • Training is an integral part of the school’s established curriculum.
  • Designated school official (DSO) authorized CPT in SEVIS, and the authorization prints on the student’s Form I-20.
  • Occurs before the student’s program end date on the Form I-20. 
  • Authorization is for one specific employer and for a specific period of time.
  • Student must secure the training opportunity before CPT can be authorized.
  • CPT must be authorized before the student can begin work. 
  • Student can have more than one CPT authorization at the same time. 
  • One year of full-time CPT eliminates a student’s eligibility for OPT.

OPT is Optional Practical Training. F1 international students looking to work after graduation may be eligible, although there is a criteria in order to be approved.

  • Training relates directly to the student’s major area of study.
  • DSO (designated school official) recommends OPT in SEVIS.
  • Student does not have to secure training before the DSO can recommend OPT.
  • Authorized by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), and the student is issued an Employment Authorization Document (EAD). 
  • Allows the student to work for any employer, as long as the training relates to the student’s major course of study.
  • Can occur before (pre-completion OPT) or after (post-completion OPT) the student’s program end date. 
  • Periods of OPT cannot overlap.
  • Students are eligible for an additional 12 months of OPT authorization, when they change to a higher educational level. 

For more in depth information please visit the International Service Offices in Luther Hall 210-213.

Here is an in depth video that covers the following (click the specific category to jump right to that part of the video):

  1. On Campus Employment
  2. OPT
  3. CPT
  4. Severe Economic Hardship
  5. International Organization Employment
Student Handouts

Here’s a list of electronic versions of the handouts you can find in the Career Development Center.

Library Resources

The Bethany Library maintains a Career Resources LibGuide to support students, including Career Development books that the library has available. There are also e-resources such as a subscription to Mometrix test prep.

The Ada Stokes Writing Center Resources

The mission of the Ada Stokes Writing Center is to help BLC students grow as independent critical thinkers and writers. Tutors offer support in the areas of academic essays, creative writing, cover letters, resumes, and graduate applications. 

Employment Opportunities

The following organizations have been selected by our Career Development staff for checking off certain criteria and having a constant influx of job opportunities locally for our students and alumni. 

Please note: Our Bethany Career Development Office does not promote or facilitate the need for baby sitters, moving help, and other non-career development needs. 

Bethany Lutheran College
Mayo Clinic
Mankato Family YMCA
Blue Earth County
Girl Scouts - River Valleys
Christian Family Solutions
Kato Cable
Internships for Current Students

Search for internships on Handshake, or contact Career Development or your Faculty Advisor. Please review the Student Section of our Internships page for more information.

Jobs for Current Students

These jobs are available for current college students. These are off-campus, non-BLC jobs and are not part of the work-study student jobs program.

Jobs for Bethany Graduates

Looking for work after graduation? These companies are seeking Bethany alumni for their job openings.

Do you have a job opportunity for our students?

If you are an employer looking to publicize a job opportunity for our students, please complete this request form or contact us at

Please be sure to have ALL of the following information ready to be assessed by our Career Development department.

  • Name of Company
  • Title of Position
  • Link to Website
  • Primary Contact Person & Info
  • Job Description
  • Short List of Duties/Skills
  • Minimum Qualification Requirements
  • Job Hours and Days
  • Application Deadline (if applicable)
  • Salary
  • State and City
Please expect your job opportunity to be posted in 2-3 business days if it is approved.